A downloadable game for Windows

Version 0.1


Flappy Possum is a game featuring the possum, an animal that is often considered the cutest in the world (according to us).

The game is a clone of Flappy Bird.

Given its high level of difficulty, we encourage you to challenge your limits.

How to Play

This game only uses the space bar.

Press the space bar at the title screen to start the game. The game will begin in a stationary state, pressing the space bar here will make the possum jump. The goal is to avoid hitting the ground and to navigate around the obstacles.

About the Possum

Possums are adorable marsupials native to Australia and New Zealand.

They are characterized by their impressive tails and charming faces.

Seeing them will surely evoke positive feelings!!

How it was made

This game was developed using the SHARP X1, a Japanese computer from the 1980s.

The X1 was part of the microcomputer boom at the time, and it is famous for being the precursor to the legendary computer 'X68000' and as the foundation that ushered in many game developers.

Furthermore, the game was created using assembler and the local programming language of the time, 'SLANG'.

Enjoy the nostalgia as well as the sight of a modern game running on an old computer.


This software is running on an emulator by TAKEDA, toshiya.

The source code of the modified emulator can be obtained at the following site.

ho-ogino/CommonSourceCodeProjectGodot (github.com)

The copyright belongs to the author, but you can use the source codes


See also COPYING.txt for more details about the license.

Version Information

  • Version 0.1
    • Initial release


FlappyPossum_v010.zip 25 MB

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